Gas in your Home

There's much to enjoy about a home by gas energy.
From the comfort and savings, to energy resiliency and easy living.
Here's why so many homeowners choose gas.


Families that use gas energy for heating and cooking in their homes realize many benefits.  Efficient clothes drying, more control in cooking, consistent water heating, and creating a backyard gathering place with a gas barbeque grill, gas allows families to get more out of life.


Gas energy is one of the most cost-effective fuels that you can use to power your home appliances. A typical Hawaiʻi Gas customer pays less per year for our gas energy than they would for electricity to do the same tasks. The cost to convert is also less than you may think.

Energy Efficiency

In typical home appliances, the direct use of gas energy results in energy consumption that is up to 28 percent less than a similar home with all-electric appliances. Efficiency saves energy and money in the long run.

Family taking out fresh baked cookies from gas-powered oven.

Environmentally Responsible

Gas energy is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels around. Depending on your fuel source, clean burning gas will reduce carbon emissions by up to 40 percent compared to other fossil fuels like oil and coal. Using gas energy for more of your energy needs presents a promise of cleaner air and a smaller carbon footprint for our state


With one of the most stable energy systems statewide, Hawai‘i Gas has never had to stop service in its more than 100-year history. Because the gas stays on when the electricity goes out, having multiple power sources in your home allows you to be more resilient through any kind of emergency.

Cooking and heating water with gas are uninterrupted. And, if you have a gas-powered back-up generator, even the electricity stays on.

Mother and daughter cooking with a frying pan on a gas stove.
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